Parent Corner
Parent Representative Groups
To foster home-school cooperation, our school has established parent-representative groups. Every year, parents are invited by the school to encourage parent participation and assist in organizing various activities between home and school. Parent representatives from all grades are elected at the beginning of each academic year.
Parents are welcome to provide feedback through their class parent representatives so that it can be relayed to the school by the parent representatives.
K1 Parent Representatives (from left to right):
黎知衡家長 謝愷澄家長 曾晉丞家長 韓愛羅家長
K2 Parent Representatives (from left to right):
鍾以諾家長 馬嘉傑家長 陳梓溱家長 羅皓天家長
K3 Parent Representatives (from left to right):
陳雋升家長 謝梓揚家長 賴嘉文家長 文旨允家長 葉泳瑜家長